Services Ltd is committed to health and safety at all stages in business.
We believe that injuries and work-related illnesses can and must be prevented.
We understand that healthy and safe practices is not just the best way BUT the
ONLY way.
A “zero tolerance” approach to health and safety has proved to be one of the Group’s greatest strengths, specific targets being:
- Zero Fatalities
- Zero lost time injuries
- Zero recordable injuries
- Zero long term occupational related illnesses
- Minimise short term illnesses associated with work
activities and working conditions
- Minimise damage to property or the environment
- Health and safety training is always a priority and is
ongoing on a daily basis, formally and informally.
The company implements safety practices to encourage personnel to reduce and prevent risks. We carry out a number of actions such as hazard identification and risk assessment, implementation of safe practices, technological improvements and training to raise awareness among employees.
We believe that management’s steadfast commitment to risk
evaluation in order to increase employee knowledge and awareness, as well as
discipline and induction training for new and existing employees, are key
factor for continuous improvement to achieve zero accidents in all our
We seek to provide a quality working environment and to promote the awareness of healthy practices among employees. First Aid Groups are organized at different level to respond effectively in the case of emergencies.
We also have introduced programs to prevent illnesses unrelated to the workplace such as: Malarial awareness campaigns, medical checks and additional clinical tests aimed at the early detection and prevention of different kinds of illnesses.